Monday 12 November 2018
Workshop 1: Performance Improvement Through Leadership
Justin Peckett - Leading Teams
9.00AM - 5.00PM
Workshop 2: Designing Laboratories for the Future: What Do You Need to Consider?
Tony Della-Porta, Bio2ic
9.00AM - 5.00PM
Click here to read more about workshops
5.00PM - Welcome Reception
Meet colleagues from around Australia and the world over a selection of canapes and drinks.
Tuesday 13 November 2018
9.00AM - Welcome
Ian Gardner - President, Science Industry Australia
9.10AM - Keynote: Innovative On Line Applications for the Management of University Laboratories
Mahmoud Abu Shammeh - Director Central Laboratories, University of Sharjah
9.50AM - The future role of measurement in the evolution of quality infrastructure and accreditation
Nunzio Cristaudo - Senior Policy Analyst, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
Morning Tea
11.00AM - Is AS/NZ 2243 Safety in Laboratories Series the forgotten standard against the backdrop of Laboratory accreditation?
Lisa Stevens - Principal Consultant, Lisa J Stevens & Associates
11.45AM - How good intentions became bad decisions for many Dangerous Goods projects
Peter Vitali - Principal Consultant, ChemVit Consulting
1.30PM - The Lab Rules to Influence and Negotiate
Mehran Mossadegh - MD, Negotiation Wise
2.30PM - Improving Laboratory Performance
Ron Fisher - PAVE Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology
Afternoon Tea
3.30PM - The Evolution of Laboratory Exhaust Design
Brad C. Cochran PE - Principal, CPP Wind Engineering & Air Quality Consultants
4.15PM - Entrepreneurship for Laboratory Managers
Nedaossadat Mirzadeh - RMIT
6.30PM - Conference Dinner
An evening of music and fine dining.
Wednesday 14 November 2018
9.30AM - Keynote: Discover Align Connect
Dr Amanda Caples - Victoria's Lead Scientist, Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources
10.00AM - Laboratory Safety Culture
Dr Angelica Vecchio-Sadus - HSE Manager, CSIRO
Morning Tea
11.15AM - Evolution Of Sustainable Laboratories
Kirsten Balding - Lecturer, RMIT
11.45AM - Leadership at 30,000 feet: Up, Up and Away
David Sharrock - Sharrock Pittman Legal
1.30PM - Intellectual Asset Management
Brittany Howard - Patent Attorney, F B Rice
2.30PM - Selling Early Stage Technologies
Christopher Boyer - Executive Director, Bio-Link
Afternoon Tea
3.30PM - End User Declarations – pending legislative changes
Craig Poynder - Detective Sergeant, Victoria Police Crime Command
4.15PM - LIMS-driven Digital Transformation of the Laboratory
Nick Gannoulis - Managing Director, OnQ Software
4.50PM - Prize draw and Conference close